Find Your True Inner Union — Part 2

Hermit Health
5 min readJul 4, 2021


(Read the first part here.)

Now we know we all have masculine and feminine energies within us. But wait! We have barely scratched the surface. The true treasure lies beneath.

When we seek inner union and balance, we must take a quick look at our four foundational bodies that come into play. The body in which our soul resides is a harmonious blend of four distinct parts: Physical Body, Mental Body, Emotional Body, and Spiritual Body. Two of these, Physical and Mental, are Masculine whereas, the other two are Feminine. Our ultimate goal is to strike a balance between these four bodies. It will pave a path to our true inner union. We will realize there’s much more to us than we feel and know at this moment. We will know our worth and, we are a whole. Nothing completes us but ourselves. To summarize, we will be free from all the co-dependencies, attachments, self-questioning, low self-esteem issues and will be guided towards the path of being a Whole and an Independent being. Let us further have a look at how we can achieve this.


Physical Body

What is it:

Our skin, everything under our skin, from tissues to cells, ligaments. The skeleton framework to organs. Basically, everything which is visible to us. We know when our body is healthy is or not, it is hurting or not, it is whole or not. Our body is always giving signs to us.


Our physical experience, our ability to heal, our physiology

Signs of a balanced physical body:

  • Feeling open, flexible, and energetic
  • Easy movement
  • Balanced minerals and vitamin levels
  • Free of toxins and pains

Signs of an imbalanced physical body:


  • Rapid aging
  • Loss of elasticity
  • Disrupted organ(s) functions
  • The body feels weighed down (due to the pressure and stress on the skeletal frame). It just feels heavy.


  • Doubting the body’s self-healing ability,
  • Too much focus on maintaining the body ( physical strength and beauty), resulting in addictions to drugs, plastic surgeries, and various other treatment methods such as injections to maintain its radiance and worth

Achieve the balance into the physical:

Yoga, Stretching exercises, Dancing, Outdoor games, Meditation, Accepting and loving your physical for what it is, exposure to nature( walking on the grass and soil barefoot). Basically anything that will get your body moving and give you the sense of flexibility and movement and ease up the stiffness.

Mental Body

What is it:

Our thoughts, perception, attitude, prejudice and judgments, how we see our worth and value


Our analytical thinking, information processing, learning process. It also encompasses focus, clarity, creativity. Acts as the main element in thoughts manifesting into reality.

Signs of a balanced mental body:

  • Effective and concise communication
  • Preemptive problem solving
  • Innovations come to fruition easily
  • Emotional and physical issues are solved in a straightforward and supportive manner

Signs of an imbalanced mental body:


  • Lack of clarity and purpose
  • Brain fog
  • Lethargic energies
  • Low self-esteem and low self-worth
  • Self-doubts


  • Ego-centric behavior
  • Narcissistic traits
  • Little to no empathy
  • Excessively driven, frequently being on overdrive and overthinking

Achieve the balance into the mental

Practice forgiving and letting go of emotional strives. Work through the old emotional wounds and do a complete mental release. Working through this will be easier with a mentor. Their unwavering emotional support will lead to positive and effective stress release. Next, the most powerful technique is practicing Kundalini Yoga. We shall discuss this very soon with other yoga practices. To conclude, talk therapy with emotionally intelligent leaders can also prove to be helpful. And, keeping in touch with our emotions and spirituality will also bring clarity and awareness about our state of mind.


Emotional Body

What is it:

Hormones, touch, our nervous system, feelings (tears, bloating, not letting go or holding on to things or situations too tight, attachment issues)


The emotional body acts as a string connecting the physical and the mental body. It synthesizes and interprets our experience of the world. It represents how we respond and react to our surroundings. It symbolizes our relationships and connections with the energies surrounding us.

Signs of a balanced emotional body:

  • Empathy, Openness, Non-judgemental and generous towards other
  • Desire to give and share with others without expecting in return
  • Physical indications include balanced water levels (neither retained nor over-hydrated), progesterone and testosterone levels are balanced, regulated blood sugar and blood pressure, even and slow heart-beat

Signs of an imbalanced emotional body:


  • Emotional stress results in lack of sleep, lack of trust and, emotional intelligence. Doubts and negative thoughts overtake intuition.
  • Physical indications — Dehydration, hormonal imbalance, joint stiffness, bloating, and inflexibility
  • Mental indications — Results in the manifestation of self-doubts, comparing oneself with others, unhealthy boundaries, and unhealthy projections.


  • Feelings of drowning and hopelessness about relationships and situations
  • Passive-aggressive behavioral pattern
  • Feeling extremely irritated, obsessive over-saturated
  • Can result in spongy behavior of the body leading to weight gain and an excessive amount of water in the aura and the system
  • Over-firing the nervous system results in the dry-out or burn-out of the emotional body resulting in under-weight, dehydration, weakness
  • Hormonal disbalance (resulting in heavy or irregular and delayed menstrual cycle)

Achieve the balance into the emotional

Stress, emotions, and anxiety release techniques such as practicing breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, or a comedy club. While these techniques work differently for different people, if required, never hesitate to ask for help from family and friends. Practicing forgiveness also helps release the emotional baggage. Detoxification, Fasting, or Sauna sessions can also prove to be very helpful. Summarizing, understanding the importance of emotional intelligence is crucial.

Spiritual Body

What is it:

Often undermined by many, the spiritual body connects us to all the other things and beings around us, including the higher self, the Universe (or God), the Divine, and beyond. It provides protection and guidance from the outside source and those who have passed on. The spiritual body has nothing to do with any religion or spirit. It is the ultimate truth that connects us to all and everything. Recall the Law of Divine Oneness.


Union of all beings experiencing the soul journey and destiny, with each other and the Creator or the Divine

Signs of a balanced spiritual body:

  • The most significant trait is being Fearless
  • Nothing limits the operating and high creativity
  • Inspiration for actions from ideas
  • The synthesized and even core of all the other three bodies

Signs of an imbalanced spiritual body:


  • Silencing or dismissing the gut feeling
  • Looking at things and situations as they appear rather than seeing seeking transparency and having an open and an honest conversation
  • Feeling unseen and unheard
  • Feeling left out or an out-cast
  • Feeling disconnected from the fact that one can do things on their own
  • Seeking energy and validation from outside


  • Lack of sync between the actions and behavior
  • False sense of being ‘Spiritual’
  • Feeling entitled and overly-deserving
  • Lack of interconnection and coherency in shared responsibilities such as relationships
  • Constantly living in their thoughts or always being ‘Head in the clouds’

Achieve the balance into the spiritual

Practice Gratitude, Humbleness, Generosity.

Treat others as you‘d love them to treat you.

Do some introspection and ground your energies by doing Meditation, Breathwork and know one thing, the Divine, the heaven resides within you. No one but you hold the key and responsibility of your joy, happiness, and well-being.

