Find your True Inner Union — Part 1

Hermit Health
3 min readJun 30, 2021


In the previous two articles, The Law Of Attraction and The 12 universal Laws, we had a brief overview of how the manifestations are always at play behind the scenes. Now let’s see how to unlock the door to a Balanced Life and find our True Inner Union.

Finding the inner balance is not just limited to meditation and controlling thoughts and emotions. Self-discovery is not just limited to identifying and evolving your thinking process, your behavior patterns, your personality traits. It goes much beyond your physical being and existence. Our physical body is a blend of four distinct parts (Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual), out of which two (Physical and Mental) are Masculine while the other two (Emotional and Spiritual) are Feminine. Discovering and learning about your masculine and feminine energies will prove to be a significant step towards having a true inner union.

What are Masculine and Feminine Energies?

Firstly, let us clear away the misconceptions around these energies. We all have Masculine and Feminine energies (bodies) within us, irrespective of which we resonate with more. You will notice a unique mix of these energies within you while dealing with different situations occurring in your life. Consider the following day to day situations -

  1. Being emotional Vs Being logical
  2. Multitasking Vs Focused actions
  3. Doing Vs Being and so on.

Were you able to notice these qualities, identify and relate the patterns with the men and women in your life?

When we are solely in our masculine energy, we are focused on the physical and mental side of the things, i.e. doing and achieving tasks and goals. Whereas, when we are solely in our feminine energy, our experience is synthesized. It’s about living in the now, living in the present, feeling it.

The mystical harmony of Masculine & Feminine Energy

The simplest and the most accurate example representing this Yin-Yang dynamic is our relationship with the Universe.

Most of the time, we are living as the Masculine here. We have our free will and we are actively working out our life. The Universe flows with our actions, acting as the Feminine in this dynamic. Whereas, when we surrender and let the Universe work the way out, we act as the Feminine while the Universe acts as the Masculine. Isn’t this a perfect harmony?

The Masculine Energy

The traits that follow Masculine Energy are -

  1. Active contribution and Alertness
  2. Initiation, Taking the lead, Pursuing changes
  3. Disciplined and able to manage things properly
  4. Bold and Courageous
  5. Taking risks
  6. Feeling confident and secure within oneself

The Feminine Energy

The traits that follow Feminine Energy are -

  1. Gentle and Nurturing
  2. Strong awareness of thoughts and feelings
  3. A deep sense of morality and justice
  4. Able to surrender
  5. Graceful and Generously loving
  6. Open to non judge-mental conversations

If you identify as a masculine woman or a feminine man, it’s not something to be ashamed of nor is it a sign of weakness. It just goes to show your level of awareness about your True Self. It’s in fact very natural and has roots running deeper!

