Master your Life with Love and Joy — The 12 Universal Laws

Hermit Health
7 min readJun 21, 2021


The law of attraction is the very first thing that comes to our mind when we say Manifestation. However, what we might not know is that LOA is just one of the 12 Universal Laws. To live a spiritually aligned and abundant life, we need to understand how these 12 laws work in harmony. These laws not only show us how to master our life at all levels, but they also show us the way to reach our goals. They teach us how to trust, how we arrived where we are today, and help us understand the deep insights into our life.

Where do these 12 Universal Laws originate from?

The Laws of the Universe have been in existence for thousands of years. There are seven universal principles listed in The Kybalion, the study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. These seven principles are:

  • Principle of Mentalism
  • Principle of Correspondence
  • Principle of Vibration
  • Principle of Polarity
  • Principle of Rhythm
  • Principle of Cause and Effect
  • Principle of Gender

Read more about the Laws here.

The Greek Philosopher — Socrates, explained that the world is governed by these laws, whether they are understood or not. He also came up with the Socratic Law of Causality, today which we know as the Law of Cause and Effect. Numerous timeless truths such as: “What you sow, shall you reap” and “What goes around, comes around” have existed since the beginning of time and have always been the guiding principles for all of us to live an authentic and happier life.

What do these laws workaround?

Understand the working of “what you think, you create”. We can imagine, create an image of anything we desire. Holding the picture in our mind, we can create it with energy and consistency, which materializes our desires into reality. We are the creators of our own life. Our Feelings and Thoughts are the key to the environment we create around us.

Therefore, we need to keep our vibrations in check. When we have emotions of Gratitude, Joy, Happiness, Passion, Pleasure, we vibrate at a higher frequency. Our emotions are letting us know that we are in absolute alignment and are attracting like-things. Similarly, when we have feelings of Despair, Neediness, Wanting, Desperate, Anger, Hate, Frustration, our emotions are telling us that we are misaligned.

What are these 12 Laws Of the Universe?

1. Law of Divine Oneness

Have you ever had this moment where this one song is playing in your mind and suddenly a person sitting next to you starts humming the same song, or maybe you hear it on a radio or television? There are times where my mum would call me from the other room and I would know what’s on her mind.

Beyond this 3D world, we all are inter-connected. Always remember this, we all are one and equal. Our actions and words have a ripple effect. It not just affects us but has a collective impact. We should always be aware of everything we do. This law teaches us to have a compassionate approach towards everyone and everything.

2. Law of Vibration

At the most basic level, everything is vibrating. Everything is constantly in motion. Nothing ever stands still. Everything is always being pushed away or pulled towards something. So if we desire to manifest say wealth, we have to act as if we already have it. This evokes the high vibrational energies of gratitude, joy, pleasure, and happiness. As we keep practicing, our energy matches with the high vibrations of money. We do not have to worry about how it will happen, we need to keep taking inspired actions and keep our energies high.

3. Law of Correspondence

As quoted by Hermes Trismegistus — “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.

Our external circumstances are often manifestations of our conscious and subconscious thought patterns. So if we desire to change our reality significantly, we have to make corresponding changes in our inner world. It raises our conscious awareness about the thoughts that are running through our minds. As soon as we feel our thoughts going down the path of negativity, we must not resist, fight or try to control them. Instead, we must be patient with ourselves and slowly transform them into positive thoughts and use them as motivators.

4. Law of Cause & Effect

This law is also known as the Law Of Karma. What goes around, comes around. Whatever we do, good or bad comes back to us in one form or another. To receive positive and good outcomes, we must give out good vibes only. Instead of doing it out of necessity, we do it for the sense of fulfillment of our soul. So be generous and compassionate.

5. Law of Compensation

We can summarize this law precisely as “As You Sow, So Shall You Reap”

This law calls us to have faith that all of our efforts and time investments are recognized and rewarded in the form of blessings and abundance multifold. The rewards often come in the most unexpected forms and when we least expect them. We must give out what we desire to receive. We give out love without expecting anything in return, we receive the love. We give out judgments, we will see the reactions accompanied. We give what we want and we get what we give.

6. Law of Attraction

Like attracts like. This law is the most-talked-about. It calls us to align our thoughts, and feelings with what we desire to have in our life. It also urges us to have unwavering faith that we deserve it, we are worthy of it and we can obtain it. However, this law is not just about having faith and building up emotions and energies. We get the results only when our actions are aligned with our energies (i.e. thoughts and emotions). We can say that the law of attraction is a union of the law of vibration and the law of inspired actions.

7. Law of Action

Just visualizing and feeling good does not help. What does an inspired action mean? When we feel positive, uplifted, and confident while performing a task, we know we are in alignment and are on the right path. In short, when things come our way, and we can do it effortlessly, is what we call Alignment.

8. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Everything in Universe is energy. Energies are always transforming from one form to another. The biggest take we have here is, we can have a good amount of control over our energies. If our energies feel quite low, we can transform them into high vibrational forms by doing little things like, following up with our hobbies, meditating, reading calming texts, or listening to relaxing music, and so on. Knowing this we can actively lift the negative energies around us through our actions and thoughts.

9. Law of Relativity

We often tend to compare our arrangements with others. This results in feeling dissatisfied and we tend to complain about all the things we do not have instead of being grateful for everything that we are already blessed with. This law shows us that in reality, everything is neutral. It is just a matter of perspective and perception.

10. Law of Polarity

This law is one of my most favorite so far. It states that everything has a polar opposite. If there’s strength, there’s fear. If there’s joy, there’s sadness. If there’s light, there’s darkness. If there’s good, there’s evil.

Once we come at peace with this law, our life becomes much easier. We must accept the fact that one cannot exist without the other. For example, if we do not know what a profound pain feels like, we would never be able to appreciate the feelings of joy, happiness, and gratitude. Without the dark, we would never be able to appreciate the light.

11. Law of Rhythm

Everything in this Universe has to go through cycles. We have lunar cycles, ocean tides, seasonal cycles. This law tells us that everything has to go through cycles of change. Through the highs and the lows. Through the storms to the calmer waters. Through the dark towards the light and so on. When we feel run down, instead of trying to power up, we should focus on taking some rest. Instead of resisting, fighting, or trying to change the situation desperately, we should go with the flow.

12. Law of Gender

Just as we know Yin and Yang, Masculine and Feminine energies are present across the Universe. Each one of us has both of these energies within ourselves, regardless of which we resonate more with. While Masculine energy is all about the physical experiences in the world, our physiology, actions (though there’s much more which we will look at in the next article). Feminine energy is all about working with emotions and the flow.

As complicated as these laws might seem, integrating them into our lives and understanding their interconnectedness will help us live a happier, easier, and more balanced, and fulfilled life. Feel free to sound off in the comments if you have any questions or doubts. Let us share our knowledge and learn together!

