How to heal and balance your Chakras

Hermit Health
9 min readJul 24, 2021


Have you been having feeling something’s “off” lately? Are you sick for two weeks in a row? Are you making silly mistakes at work or even in the simplest tasks? Are you experiencing any recurring pain or stiffness? While there could be several reasons you are experiencing such distressing circumstances, they could also indicate an imbalance in your Chakra system. When all of our 7 Chakras are aligned, open, and balanced, we experience a free and least resistant energy flow through our bodies and minds.

The focal 7 chakras align along the Shushumna nadi — the central channel of our body. The Chakras along the Shushumna nadi are energy centers where the Ida nadi (left energy channel) & Pingala nadi (right energy channel) intersect. These energy channels and the energy centers together make up what is called “the subtle body”.

The subtle body lies in a different dimension, beyond the physical body and the mind. Irrespective of that, it has a powerful impact on the body, mind, and our entire system.

What could cause the imbalance or blockages in the chakra system?

Too much or too little of anything is never a good choice. Check on the food you eat. Do you eat heavy meals, too much fast food, or soft drinks? Maybe you have addictive habits (smoking, drinking, or addictions to sweet/salty/oily food)? Check on your current circumstances (traveling, over-working, stress, over-thinking). Weather also has a significant impact on your human system as a whole.

Signs of Imbalance for each Chakra and how to bring in the balance:

Root Chakra ( Muladhara)

This Chakra is located at the base of the spine (at the perineum). Muladhaar means Foundation. The Muladhara Chakra is the foundation of our physical structure and our energy body. When this chakra is balanced, you feel balanced, safe, and supported. You feel grounded and have a strong sense of connection and safety with the world around you.

Signs of Imbalance:

  • Pain and stiffness in your legs, feet, knees
  • Sciatica, Eating disorders, Constipation
  • Prostate, Lower back, bladder issues
  • Colon issues, Cramping, and Inflammation
  • Feeling ungrounded, insecure, unsafe in general regards and having insecurity about finances
  • Chaotic and unsettling feeling about your Home
  • Feeling stuck or stagnant about your life

How to balance your Root Chakra

  • Practicing the feeling of Grounding: Connect with the Earth (go out in nature, walk in the sand, walk on the grass bare-foot )
  • Eat food from the Earth: Fruits and Vegetables
  • You can wear red color
  • Strengthen your legs (do some stretching exercise)
  • Practice grounding yoga-like Pranayama (sama vritti) & Alternate Nostril breathing technique

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

This Chakra is located in the lower abdomen (about four fingers below the navel). When this chakra is balanced, you feel empowered to take on creative risks. You follow commitment. You are Passionate and outgoing. You comfortably embrace your sexuality.

Signs of Imbalance:

  • Sexual and Reproductive health issues
  • Kidney Dysfunctions and urinary problems
  • Pain and Stiffness in hips and pelvic area
  • Loss of creativity and imagination
  • Falling out of touch with the emotions resulting in an inability to express your emotions and desires
  • The constant fear of betrayal and impotence

How to balance your Sacral Chakra

  • Sacral Chakra is connected with the Water element. Keep hydrated, go for swimming sessions or take a soothing shower or bath.
  • Dance it out. This will help move and stretch your hips.
  • You can wear orange color.
  • Get in touch with your feelings through journaling or spending some time with yourself. This will help you work through your fears and insecurities without fighting them.
  • Eat foods that nourish this chakra — nuts & seeds, sweet potato, carrots, melons, mangoes, orange citrus fruits, etc.
  • Practice Stillness — sitting cross-legged, notice your surroundings (smells, feelings, sensations) for a few minutes every morning.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipuraka)

This Chakra is located between the navel and the bottom of the rib (three inches above the navel). When this chakra is balanced, you have adequate self-respect and self-compassion. You are assertive, confident, and in control. You have a healthy relationship with yourself.

Signs of Imbalance:

  • Digestive issues, abdominal pain, Pancreatic & Gall bladder issues, liver dysfunctions, stomach ulcers, colon diseases
  • High blood pressure, diabetes
  • Low self-esteem, constant fear of rejection, unrelenting inner critic, insecurities about physical appearances
  • Inflated Ego and commitment issues ( mainly inability to stick through and follow the goals)

How to balance your Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Connect with the Fire element (eg., meditating on a candle flame); Practice the breath of fire — Kundalini Yoga that is powered by the solar plexus. It is a practice of rapid, continuous breath through nostrils with the mouth closed. Keeping the inhale-exhale lengths equal with no pause in between, do approximately 2–3 cycles/second. Make sure your posture is correct ( sit tall such that you lengthen the space between your navel and heart. On the inhale, relax your upper abdominal muscles, the diaphragm extending down such that the breath flows effortlessly. On the exhale, exhale the air powerfully through your nose such that you pull the navel back towards the spine.
  • Getting out in the sunshine (tender morning and evening exercises, outdoor games, walks, or even if it’s just soaking in the soft sunlight)
  • You can wear yellow clothes.
  • Work together with your inner critic. Make a list of all the things you tend to judge yourself on (could be anything you don’t like about yourself, according to you) Close your eyes and visualize your teenage version standing in front of you. Calmly tell your teen self that they are perfect and beautiful the way they are. Tell them that all of the qualities you just listed are welcome. End this session by thanking your inner critic for protecting you all this time and that you no longer need it.
  • Do the mirror talk. Standing in front of the mirror, look yourself in your eyes. Feel the connection with yourself. Feel the love towards yourself. If required, repeat the I AM affirmations out loud. Don’t let the discomfort stop you. (If it still feels uncomfortable, you can also do this with your eyes closed and place your hand on your solar plexus feeling the warmth inside. Now you can say the affirmations out loud in your mind and let them soak in.)
  • For example,






Heart Chakra (Anahata)

This Chakra is located near your heart (center of the chest). When this chakra is balanced, you feel Joyful, have a deep sense of Gratitude, Unconditional love, compassion towards other living beings, easy forgiveness, and trust.

Signs of Imbalance:

  • Asthma, Heart and lung diseases, issues with lymphatic systems
  • Upper back and shoulder problems
  • Pain in the upper chest
  • Arm and wrist pain
  • Pestering fear of being alone, abandonment, anger, and bitterness
  • Lack of self-compassion
  • Over-loving (to the point of suffocating)

How to balance your Heart Chakra

  • Connect with the air element: Nothing is pure than the fresh air in the garden and nature. Pause there and take a deep breath. Feel the cool, gentle, and nourishing air fill your lungs and heart and expanding the ever-increasing source of unconditional love and compassion inside of you.
  • Practice self-love and self-compassion. You can do this in numerous ways. Book yourself a spa or body massage appointment or a facial appointment. Engage in activities that feel your heart with joy and make you feel a deep sense of connection with yourself.
  • Express love and compassion to others.
  • Do some stretching of your arms and hands, shoulders and chest, and upper back.
  • Try a Metta meditation — Closing your eyes, visualize yourself sitting in front of you. Placing your hands on your chest, wish for yourself. MAY I FEEL SAFE. MAY I BE HEALTHY. MAY I BE JOYFUL AND FULFILLED. MAY I KNOW LOVE AND COMPASSION. Next, visualize someone you appreciate and repeat the same affirmations for them. Next, visualize someone in your life you have a conflict with or someone you find challenging and wish them the same. Sit in this meditation for a few minutes and bathe in the feelings you have initiated for yourself and others.
  • You can wear green or pink colors.

Throat Chakra ( Vishuddha)

This Chakra is located at the pit of the throat. When this chakra is balanced, you have easy and free-flowing communication and expression. You are honest and truthful while being firm and assertive. You are a good listener.

Signs of Imbalance:

  • Sore throat, ear infections, thyroid issues
  • Jaw pain and pain & stiffness in your neck and shoulder
  • Not knowing when to keep your quiet and having a habit of talking all the time
  • Inability to speak up and take a stand for yourself
  • A constant fear of falling out of control

How to balance your Throat Chakra

  • Practicing mantra chanting — “Sat Nam” (in Kundalini Yoga). This is a powerful mantra that means “truth is my identity”. Practice this chant aloud for 3 to 11 minutes daily.
  • Awareness while communicating: Share your current goals with a trusted friend. While you speak, pay attention to the word choices you make. Are you saying phrases like “I can’t”, “I haven’t”, “I am not”, “I am unable”, “I don’t think I can” etc. Every time you catch yourself making statements that do not match your current goals, correct your statements, because remember, words hold enormous power. You do not necessarily have to talk about your goals all the time. But the catch here is to keep a watch on the words you utter.
  • Hum a song to yourself. Singing can prove to be the best way to explore your voice. Songs can also bring up a lot of emotions, love, shame, discomfort, sadness, etc. Start singing to yourself at home. As you become more comfortable with your voice, you will notice the pitch and sound notes that you are comfortable with. You can sing to your family and friends as you become more comfortable and confident with your voice.
  • You can wear a blue color.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

This Chakra is located between the eyebrows, at the center of the forehead. When this chakra is balanced, you have a clear vision. You are focused, and can easily distinguish between an illusion and the truth. You are open to receive advice from others.

Signs of Imbalance:

  • Headaches and seizures
  • Blurred vision, eye strain, and sinus issues
  • Brain fog, lack of intuitive guidance
  • Overactive, moodiness, and stubbornness
  • Day-dreaming and living in a world of exaggerated imagination

How to balance your Third Eye Chakra

  • A dream journal helps you connect the dots. Dreams prove to be a strong indicator and message carrier of the blind spots in your unconscious. Spend a few minutes every morning writing down everything you saw in your dreams. In case you don’t remember your dreams, don’t force yourself. Spend some time meditating, clearing your mind. You’ll soon remember (when you least expect it).
  • Reflect on your identity. Write down sentences that begin with the phrase “I Am …”. Do this practice for your present, a few years back, and then a few years ahead from now. Notice the differences in the lists and reflect on how your self has changed.
  • Practice acting through your emotions. Recall a funny incident you may have encountered and make yourself laugh. Carry this feeling ahead and force your laughter until it becomes laughter (don’t be too hard, just try to go with the flow). If you feel like crying, let it out. It is alright to stay in touch with your emotions, however, don’t hang on to any of them. Always remember that no single emotion defines you.
  • You can wear Indigo color.

Crown Chakra (Sahastrara)

This Chakra is located at the very top of the head (crown of the head). When this chakra is balanced, you have unwavering trust in your inner guidance. You “live” in the moment.

Signs of Imbalance:

  • Headaches, depression
  • The inability of learning, the inability of concentrating on the work at your hand
  • The inability to practice empathy and looking beyond “your” world
  • Rigid thought patterns
  • Inability to take others’ points of perspectives
  • The constant fear of alienation and feeling outcast

How to balance your Crown Chakra

  • Practice meditation (eg. mind decluttering)
  • Keeping a note of your cycles. Sleep cycles — Maintain a constant cycle for a few weeks. Go to bed early and wake up early. Note the pattern in all the changes that you experience during this practice. Another perk you can have is putting off your social media an hour or a two before going to bed. And avoid social media at least two to three hours after you wake up.
  • Women can keep the track of their menstrual cycle and the phases of the moon. This can help you get in touch with your crown.
  • Be of service to others. Find a community that inspires your purpose. Where you can offer your time, efforts, attention, and resources.
  • Inculcate the feelings of awe about your existence. Go to the beach, stare at the sea. Go for a mountain climb. Go for stargazing. Make time to watch the sunrises and sunsets. Feel the humility of how small you are. Just soak in all the majesty of Mother Nature provides you with.
  • You can wear violet colors as well.

By now, you may feel that more than one of your chakras is blocked or imbalanced (don’t worry, I experience it and have experienced it too). An imbalance in one can result in disturbances in other chakras too, as they begin to compensate. You do not have to go out of your way to strike the perfect balance all at a time. Start working on one at a time, taking it easy, working your way up towards the Crown Chakra.



Hermit Health
Hermit Health

Written by Hermit Health

Hi! I am Hermit. Beyond the sky is my home. Follow me for more:

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